Flyway, Turnstone Press, 2022
The World Is Mostly Sky, Turnstone Press, 2020
"A Prayer for Peace, Advent 2023" Canadian Mennonite, Fall 2023
"This New Spring" We Are One: Poems from the Pandemic, Bayeux Arts, 2020
"Fan Fiction for the Revolution" Room Magazine, Summer 2019
"A Boat Is Not the Whole World" CV2, Summer 2018
"Found Offering" Poetry Is Dead, Spring 2018
"Each September We Went to See the Geese" Prairie Fire, Fall 2017
"I want to learn all the names of the flowers" Dear Journal, Fall 2017
"Put your head into your hands and pray to God to save us all" Arc Poetry Magazine, Fall 2016
"I am remembering the sacredness of sleepovers" SAD Mag, Winter 2015
"TeenRoadKill" Poetry Is Dead, Spring 2015
Creative Nonfiction
"The Long Poem Migration" The River Volta Review of Books, Spring 2021
"With Feathers" Prairie Fire, Fall 2020
"Entangled" The New Quarterly, Fall 2019​​
Here you are singing, sound installation with Jami Reimer, forthcoming Summer 2025
"These Things That Happen (at Least Light)" poetry, commissioned by FemmeCor, February 2018
"Towards an Aesthetic of Self Discovery via Cats" SAD Mag, ed. M. Jenkins, May 2017​
Winner, ReLit Award for Poetry, 2023
Recipient, CREATE Grant, Manitoba Arts Council, 2023
Shortlisted, Manitoba Book Awards, McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award, 2023
Recipient, CREATE Grant, Manitoba Arts Council, 2022
Shortlisted, Margaret McWilliams Award, Manitoba Historical Society, 2022
Shortlisted, Manitoba Book Awards, Lansdowne Prize for Poetry, 2022
Winner, Word Guild Award, General Market Non-Fiction, Specialty Book, 2021
Shortlisted, Word Guild Award, Best Book Cover, 2021
Recipient, Graduate Thesis Award in the Fine Arts & Humanities, University of Saskatchewan, 2021
Shortlisted, Manitoba Book Awards, McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award, 2021
Winner, The New Quarterly, Edna Staebler Personal Essay Contest, 2019
2nd Place, Contemporary Verse 2, 2-Day Poetry Contest, 2019
Recipient, Dean's Scholarship, University of Saskatchewan, 2019
1st Place, Room Magazine, Short Forms Contest, 2018
Longlisted, Room Magazine, Poetry Contest, 2018
Recipient, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant, 2018
Honourable Mention, Contemporary Verse 2, Young Buck Poetry Prize, 2017
Recipient, Premier Undergraduate CK Choi Scholarship, University of British Columbia, 2014
Recipient, George McWhirter Prize in Poetry, University of British Columbia, 2013
I write book reviews and author profiles for magazines including Herizons, The River Volta Review of Books, and Prairie Books Now. I have also conducted interviews with authors at book launches, conferences, and festivals.
Read a selection of reviews below:
"Long poem's grammar of disability articulates a reclamation of self," article on Tea Gerbeza's How I Bend Into More, Prairie Books Now
Review of As Is by Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Journal of Mennonite Studies
"Mapping Empty Space in Sarah de Leeuw's Where It Hurts," The River Volta Review of Books
Watch or read a selection of interviews below:
Interview with John Weier and David Waltner-Toews (McNally Robinson Booksellers book launch)
Interview with Rhea Tregebov (McNally Robinson Booksellers book launch)
Interview with Di Brandt (McNally Robinson Booksellers book launch)
Interview with Laurie D. Graham (The River Volta Review of Books)​
I have performed readings at festivals, conferences, and in bookstores in cities including Toronto, Guelph, Winnipeg, Steinbach, Regina, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle. I have also conducted workshops and participated in panel discussions for high school, university, and literary audiences. You can find a sample below of my performances and workshops.
Poetry Interactive Talk, Writing North Festival
Panel Discussion with Jane Urquhart, Lisa Bird-Wilson, and host Rachel Laverdiere, Writing North Festival
Creative Presentation, Mennonite/s Writing Conference
Featured Author, Winnipeg International Writers' Festival: Thin Air
Guest Author, Regina Teen Writing Workshop, Sage Hill Writing
Panel Discussion with Meaghan Hackinen, Nicole Haldoupis, Shannon McConnell, and Allie McFarland, Writing North Festival
Tuning into the Poem: An Editing Webinar with Sarah Ens, Saskatchewan Writers' Guild
Instructor, Saskatoon Teen Writing Program, Sage Hill Writing
Publishing 101 - A How-To Workshop, SaskBooks
Presentation, Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada (ALECC) Conference, Watershed, lit., fig.
Presenter, Wild Writers Literary Festival
2023–present Prairie Fire Board Member
2022–present The Writers Union of Canada
2023–2025 Manitoba / Saskatchewan Regional Representative
2019–present The League of Canadian Poets​​
2023–2024 Association for Literature, Environment, and Culture in Canada​